A hard day at the office was had by all; a hot day, humid out in the fields. The festival site is coming together nicely and folks are starting to gel nicely together. Plus it now includes 2 VW campers! Babe and I have family close by and a spot for Putter & Knitter is anchored down 🙂 )
It’s also become an evening where I dared to take my uke to the campfire. My second time to be precise. I’m really not comfortable playing around people yet and I’m working to change that. So I’ve picked a song (more on that another time) and have been exploring approaches on how a neophyte trying to bring an uke to the campfire might get past the learning hurdles. Sitting here listening to one of the performers practicing (on what I sure think was an uke) is inspiring, who knows what’s possible. They just pulled in tonight, my new neighbours.
“Down in the valley, over yonder…”