What a way to start the 100th Tour de France!

I watched in disbelief, as did millions of others I’m sure.

Then I wrote a short piece for PedalMag.com about when Murphy’s Law rules at le Tour. You can read it here… Chaos in Corsica

And then I spent a little timing seeing what the aftermath was. The one thing that really caught my eye was the new Twitter account for the Orica Greenedge Bus. It starts with this tweet:

“Be proud,” they say. “Stand tall,” they say. Look where it gets me…; Orica-GreenEdge Bus (@OricaGreenEdgeB)

It’s worth having a look through the full feed. The incident definitely needs a to have a sense of humour brought to the table.

I hope the racers are all ok to start tomorrow. I hope tomorrow is a better day all around. And I hope the organizers are ashamed of themselves for causing this chaos.

Whatever you do though, don’t blame the bus (or the driver)!

P.S. It looks like Tony Martin (OPS) may be a casualty.

Photo: Cor Vos, via PedalMag.com

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