I’ve tried a few times over the past month (Even longer? Yikes!) to get a new post up on this blog and have failed. For a variety of reasons, all quite normal and understandable. Limited connectivity in remote places, unstable connections in busy places, limited time to invest as the adventure continued day by day, limited bandwidth that stops photos from uploading (that’s what I’m finding here at the Mountaineer Inn in Asheville, NC). I’ve decided that the updates will have to wait… we’re only a few days from home.
WHAT?!?!?!!! Yup, I expect we’ll be home on Monday (only 3 nights left in this 10 week trip.) Wow.
It means I have a backlog of stories to tell so I hope you’ll be patient. And if we aren’t connected on FaceBook or Instagram you’ll have to wait until we have stable internet to see more photos here (or head over to IG and look for @kraikerphoto as they should all be public images).
Otherwise you’ll just have to wait. But not too much longer 🙂
Here’s to my first photo-free blog post!