Moab Trip, in Three Parts

I’ve decided to break the trip down into three parts:

Each represents about a third of the trip and I think that breakdown reflects my feelings about the trip very well as each of those segments were very different from each other; although the trip there and back involves a lot more driving than cycling! Still, each has some amazing moments and memories and I am still savouring them all. To kick-start the trilogy, here’s a set of panoramic photos with one for each part to come…

Getting There

Being There

The Journey Home

One Reply to “Moab Trip, in Three Parts”

  1. Hello Peter, looking at those amazing pictures I can (almost) imagine how it must feel…….the energy of the Earth beneath your feet, the power of the Universe above and the insignificance ( nietigheid ) of your own being, knowing that the world wouldn’t be the same without you……..or something, hehehe! Can’t wait to see the rest!!

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