What an amazing experience this first part of my next chapter has been… from the first race in April that still had snow on the ground to a final race at Albion Hills that was a muddy cyclo-cross shortly before December began. The 2011 cycling season is now a wrap and I had a blast covering it. And now that I’m done it’s like taking a little vacation.
Lots of races in different parts of Ontario, a long trip to Arkansas, Quebec twice, Illinois for a stage race and even Le Tour de France for two weeks… not bad for this wanderer. About fifty days of actual photography, around twenty days of travel to and from the various locations, something like twenty thousand miles (thirty-two thousand kilometers) of driving (not counting the flight to Europe) and probably just as many photographs taken. A couple of additional trips for fun that included Belgium, North Carolina, Vermont, and upstate New York. I did more writing that I’ve done in years (journalism as well as blogging), expanded my services to include videos, re-learned the art of interviewing, and a little auto mechanics too. All in all I’d say it was good. There were some challenges and disappointments and things that didn’t work out along the way. While I am still digesting it all I’ll stick with commenting on the positive stuff.
Now that it’s done though… it’s time for me to take care of all the things I didn’t get around to doing since April. To get around to doing things like uploading all my photos to my website, updating this blog, taking care of finances, checking in with doctors and dentists, and such. I also need to sort out what I’ll do with myself between now and when the cycling season starts up again… stay tuned. I have a few blog entries I need to finish up as well as my first documentary short.
I’ll wrap this up with a video I took during the summer, I think I’ve linked to enough photos that I’ll mix it up a little…