I’ll wrap up this trilogy with a post about something I’ve thought about for a while and am thrilled to see actually come together.
On May the 10th, 2012 an exhibition entitled “5 Photographers” opens at Leonardo Galleries in Toronto. With a 2 week run during the CONTACT photography festival, an opening reception from 6PM to 8PM on the 10th will mark my first participation in a select exhibition. The last time I had any of my work on display this way was in a judged contest in Guelph Ontario. That would be in the mid to late 70s (and the photo submitted won).
I said I’d look to the positive… this has me smiling. And in case you’re wondering, there are no bicycles in any of my photographs. Care to guess which of the five images below is mine?
I was going to say the Tatra (I’m partial to Tatras, on second thought the rock or trees, then I checked out the link. Looks like a great exhibition, sorry I can’t make it!
John’s Tatra photographs are stunning. I’ll have to come up with a Vanagon series I think, I know their iconic in their own way.
And thanks for the positive thoughts, this is quite a stretch for me so I’m excited.